Objet photographique sans camera, Cluster est une carte mentale du ciel étoilé  réalisée par empreinte sur les sommets des montagnes de l’Atlas marocain. En astronomie, un cluster est un amas qui peut être ouvert (open cluster) ou globulaire (globular cluster). En musique, un cluster ou grappe de sons voisins, sont un agrégat de notes espacées d’un intervalle de secondes. Chaque pièce est unique.

Papier Carbone,
42 x 54 cm

Papier Carbone,
42 x 54 cm

Only on demand

NoFound PhotoFair 2012, Paris

About Icaarlamarck

Romaric Tisserand is a visual and performance artist. His work is focused on new perspectives and practices in photography and contemporary culture, developing online exhibition like 3360 MoMO from M to O ( or AAnonymes, the search of the deliberated accident (2005-2009) and new media supports. He has supported and coordinated a series of non-western and emerging artists, as well established artists: from Lise Sarfati’s in Roma at the Villa Medicis to Samuel Fosso’s monographic show at Rencontres d’Arles. He is creating a plumber shop gallery, MoMO Galerie, since 2010. Since, he is involved in artistic direction and production partnership with the studio and magazine Momologue.